Commercial Properties

We build hotels, commercial pools, restaurants, banks, community amenities and more! To begin with we offer services in the preconstruction phase to help identify and solve challenges and needs, before construction begins, including working with local municipalities during permitting to make any corrections necessary.

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Investment Properties!

To begin with we offer services in the preconstruction phase to help identify and solve challenges and needs, before construction begins, including working with local municipalities during permitting to make any corrections necessary. On site commercial construction can be complex places. There are a lot of moving parts that involve coordination between managers, sub-contractors, material orders and receiving, and equipment.

Whatever you’ve been waiting to build, we can help you accomplish your goals!

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Business Opportunites!

Our team on site and in office knows how to organize, prioritize, and communicate to help ensure the project continues to completion on schedule. We can manage every moving part from exterior to interior, working with all municipalities, utilities departments, government departments, and subcontractors.

Contact us.
(305) 743-7080

935 107th Street GULF,
Marathon, FL, 3305